Eve Cohen, MA
Vice President

Eve Cohen, MA

Eve was president and founder of Aster Search Group, an executive search firm in New York City specializing in healthcare. In 2016, Eve joined the Board of Trustees at CSS and is very pleased to be part of the organization.
David Juhren
Development & Public Relations Officer

David Juhren

David brings twenty years of nonprofit leadership experience, having worked in most aspects of organizational management, public relations, and fundraising.
Susan Buckler, MA, CAS
Co-Founder, Board Member

Susan Buckler, MA, CAS

In 1976, Susan co-founded Center for Spectrum Services with Jamey Wolff. After 45 years of leadership as Administrative/Executive Director, Susan retired in 2024, and has been appointed as a member of Spectrum Services' Board of Trustees, where she will continue her legacy in support of the school's mission and core values.
Nancy Uttendorfer
Communication Department Head

Nancy Uttendorfer

Nancy is Center for Spectrum Service’s Communication Department Head, providing training, supervision, and support to the highly-skilled Speech and Language pathologists at both Kingston and Ellenville sites.
Leah Siuta, MPS
Family Service Department Head, Home and Community Based Program Coordinator

Leah Siuta, MPS

Leah has been collaborating with and supporting families of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders for over thirty five years.
Mary Alice Millham MS Ed
Educational Program Coordinator, Kingston School

Mary Alice Millham MS Ed

Mary Alice started at Spectrum Services in 1996 as a substitute. Progressively, by 2022, and due to her talent and ability, she was promoted to the Kingston School's Program Coordinator.
Laurie Hopkins
Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy and Adaptive Physical Education Department Head

Laurie Hopkins

Laurie’s contributions to Center for Spectrum Services community are informed by 45 years of practice as a pediatric occupational therapist.
Cheryl N. Engel, Ph.D
Clinical Department Head, Clinical Psychologist

Cheryl N. Engel, Ph.D

Cheryl is a licensed Clinical Psychologist and certified School Psychologist specializing in Autism Spectrum Disorders.