Educational Approaches

Understanding and Integrating Different Educational Approaches

  • A discussion of the importance of utilizing programs based on an individual students needs and learning style as opposed to a “one size fits all” approach
  • An overview of specific evidence-based educational programs including:  TEACCH, applied behavioral analysis (ABA), and Picture Exchange System (PEC’s).
  • Video examples will supplement program overview
  • An introduction to academic and skill assessments will include a description of the Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills (ABLL’s), the Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP), and Promoting the Emergence of Advanced Knowledge (PEAK).

Teaching New Skills and Behaviors to Students with Autism; Structuring the Environment for Success

  • Overview of how learning and cognitive processes can be impacted by Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Presentation of teaching strategies that capitalize on student’s strengths and provide support for their weaknesses
  • Practical strategies to structure the learning environment and how to incorporate visual supports (e.g., schedules, social stories and comic-strip conversations) to ensure success
  • An introduction to basic applied behavior analytic (ABA) strategies with accompanying examples of their application towards teaching new behaviors, functional activities and/or life skills
  • Using Visual Supports to Teach Functional Daily Living Skills
  • This workshop focuses on a variety of ways to use visual supports to improve behavior and increase independence and participation in daily routines in the home, school, and community environments.
  • Examples of easy-to-use visual supports that have been successful for teaching and implementing functional daily living skills will be presented.
  • This workshop will incorporate simple to follow strategies that can be used to create visual aides.
  • All participants will have an opportunity to create a visual schedule to take home