Covid Information for Parents
Covid Policy-Setting
As an independent school, Spectrum Services is entitled to create Covid policies that might not reflect those of nearby school districts, and can do so as long as these policies are more rigorous than those prescribed by the CDC and local Board of Health.
Because our student body differs greatly from other schools (all are special needs, many medically fragile), we tend to form policies with an abundance of caution to protect our school community, and mitigate the spread of Covid.
Mask Wearing (last update 4/26/2022)
Currently, mask-wearing is optional for staff and students. Parents who prefer their child wear a mask should contact their Family Services Coordinator. Visitors to the school must continue to wear a mask. This policy can change depending on increases of positive Covid numbers in our area.
If Your Child Has a Close Contact (Last updated 8/31/2022).
Quarantining is no longer recommended for people who are exposed to Covid. However, staff and students who were exposed should follow CDC recommendation to wear a well-fitting mask as tolerated, and get tested.
If your child is exposed here at school, you will be notified. Students can still attend school after an exposure, though the CDC advises students and staff to stay home should symptoms appear. You should monitor your child for fever and other Covid symptoms for 10 days after first being exposured. Your child should get tested.
If Your Child Is Symptomatic (Last updated 8/31/2022).
If your child becomes symptomatic while in school (symptoms of respiratory or gastrointestinal infections, such as cough, fever of 100.0 or greater, sore throat, vomiting, or diarrhea) you will be contacted to pick up your child immediately, and we suggest performing a Covid test.
If while at home your child shows symptoms of Covid, even if it seems like a cold, do not send them to school. Instead, perform a home Covid test to see if they test positive. In both cases, individuals with symptoms will be required to have a negative test result or complete a 5-day isolation protocol before they can return to school.
My child tested positive. How long do they need to isolate at home? (Last updated 8/31/2022).
If they test positive, your child will need to isolate and stay home for five days. They can return to school on Day 6 if they are not experiencing symptoms, or if their symptoms are improving, which mirrors the CDC’s policy on isolation.
They will be encouraged to wear a mask at school as tolerated until Day 10 after symptom onset or the positive test, whichever was earlier.
Note: After having ended isolation, if Covid symptoms recur or worsen, restart isolation at day 0. Day 0 of isolation is the day of symptom onset. Staff and student’s parents/guardians are advised to talk to a healthcare provider about their symptoms or when to end isolation.
Need a Question Answered
If you have a question that isn’t answered here, please call 845-336-2616, Ext 128.