Parent Trainings and Workshops
At Spectrum Services we believe that parents must be partners in their child’s educational program. For this reason we offer Parent Support and Parent Workshops free for any parent of a child with a developmental disability. Funding is provided through grants from the Office of People with Developmental Disabilities.
Upcoming Parent Workshops and Trainings
Routines and Rituals: Oh, My!
Wed. 5/8 12:30 – 2:00 – Remote Only Click Here
Many of our children are dependent on, and even thrive with consistent routines and expectations. In this workshop participants will be learning about the importance of routines and how to establish this structure at home. The presentation will discuss and demonstrate strategies including consistency and planning and the use of visual. Participants will be introduced to resources to help create and support routines at home for all types of tasks. Presented by Cheryl Ambrosino, Special Education Teacher
Parent’s Discussion Group – Sibling Discussion Group
Wed. 5/15 6:30 – 8:00 In-person at the Kingston School or Remote: Click Here
Our parent discussion group offers caregivers the chance to share parenting experiences, educational and management strategies, community resources, upcoming conferences and new research. We can also offer support to one another in an informal and comfortable setting. Our special sibling discussion group is for brothers and sisters ages 5-12 and includes various fun activities designed to help children learn many new ways of playing and interacting with their sibling in a fun manner. Facilitated by Leah Siuta.
Autistic Language Development: How is it Different?
Wed. 5/22 There’s a 12:30 Remote Only Workshop: Click Here, or 6:30pm workshop in-person in Kingston or remotely: Click Here
This workshop will discuss Gestalt Language Processing and how to support our children through Natural Language Acquisition. If your child is Autistic, uses delayed echolalia (phrases from shows, games, songs, toys, their environment), only uses single words, participates in repetitive play or routines, has unintelligible verbalizations, or is non-speaking this workshop is for you. Through this workshop, parents will learn about the 2 different ways of language development and how to support GLPs through a child-led approach. Presented by Emily Allem, Speech-Language Pathologist.
Groups are free of charge for families of a child with a developmental disability. Parents can participate live via zoom, we ask for cameras to be on.
Recorded Workshops and Meetings
These workshops have been recorded, and are here for you to watch, review, and learn more about your child on the spectrum.
Avoiding Power Struggles
Presented by Michelle Moony
Workshops for Parents and Primary Caregivers
These forums provide information and skill training on pertinent topics related to Autism. The groups are led by professional staff or by guest speakers. Topics may include such things as social skill and play development, intensive behavioral supports, researched based educational practices, therapeutic techniques, communication development, sensory integration strategies, and more. Topics will change based upon the interests and needs of the families. The workshops are generally free of charge to families of children with developmental disabilities, and an RSVP is needed.
Our Experts Train Staff and Parents Via Online Behavior Management Course
For the first six months of remote learning, our Clinical Team had been providing a course of study for our staff via online PowerPoint trainings. Knowing how important this information can be to our parents and families (many of whom are well-versed in ASD theories and best practices), we’re opening these trainings up so parents can continue their education as well.
These trainings are produced by Leah Siuta and Tiffany Francese-Sears, with narration from one of our Clinical Staff embedded in the PowerPoint. We will be providing these using an online version, so you do not have to have PowerPoint installed on your PC or laptop to view them. Click Here for the Behavioral Management Course.
The Parent’s Support/Discussion Group
This group offers an opportunity for parents to discuss issues related to their child’s unique disability facilitated by a clinically trained group leader. Topics are determined through group consensus and may include such things as behavior management, dealing with family stressors, medical and alternative therapeutic interventions, educational strategies, therapeutic interventions, community involvement, social supports, etc. We also discuss community resources, current research and literature.
The Sibling Group
The Sibling Group is offered during the same time as the Parent’s Group (see above), and is offered to the brothers and sisters of children with ASD who are between the ages of 6 and 14. This is an opportunity for the siblings to interact with other siblings who may be experiencing similar feelings and concerns. The group includes various fun activities (games, cooking, discussion, art, etc.) and is designed to help children learn many new ways of playing and interacting with their sibling in a fun and supportive manner.
Unless otherwise noted, groups are free of charge for families of a child with a developmental disability