Last October, my then 4-year old son called me “Mommy” for the first time. I’ll forever remember Brenden after he bumped his chin and started to cry, he hugged my legs and said “mommy” in his own unique way. We looked at each other and my heart melted. How sweet this moment was for me; I cried and held him for what seemed like a lifetime. This reminded me of the challenges Brenden endures daily, and the hours of schooling and therapies he’s given at Spectrum Services that are helping my little guy communicate more every day.
Our family is very grateful that Brenden attends Spectrum Services, and that we are a part of such a wonderful support system. We are blessed with amazing teachers and therapists who understand Brenden, and the uniqueness of our family’s needs. This is why my family supports Spectrum Services by helping to raise needed funding to support the school; not just for Brenden and his peers, but for all the children that will enter this world and become another “piece of the puzzle.”
-Debbie, Brenden’s Mom