Sapphire Celebration Recapped!

Sapphire Celebration Recapped! (Scroll down for video and pictures!)

The evening celebrated our 45th Anniversary, while honoring our founders, Jamey Wolff and Susan Buckler. It was a special occasion, with good friends, family, and staff joining in the celebration.

From the cocktail hour, to dinner, to dessert, the food at The Château was amazing, and our emcee for the night, Bill Calderara, president of Ulster Savings Bank, kept the evening flowing smoothly. With Bob Siracusano, owner of Sawyer Motors, and side-kick Ray Tucker hosting our live auction, the night was certainly entertaining.

A special interview of Jamey and Susan by Ward Todd, president of the Ulster County Chamber of Commerce, kept attendees riveted. It was, indeed, a special evening, and it could not have been the success it was without your support.

Videography & Editing by: Donald Odom III