
NYS Autism Certification Course

  • This course is approved by the NYS Department of Education designed to provide an introductory overview of Autism Spectrum Disorders and effective treatment practices
  • A review of diagnostic categories, etiology, and current research will establish the foundation for this course
  • Key factors that impact individuals within an educational setting will be discussed (e.g. communication, social skills, executive functioning, sensory, and behavioral characteristics)
  • Support strategies and evidence based teaching methodologies will be presented.

This training is appropriate for: Certified administrators newly assigned to special education positions, those applying for special education certification through the individual transcript evaluation process; those applying for a special education certificate through the SED TEACH system; Parents, professionals, paraprofessionals or anyone else who is interested in gaining a foundational knowledge base about Autism.

The Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) Course

  • A six-hour training in harassment, bullying, cyberbullying and discrimination in schools, emphasizing prevention and intervention
  • This course is approved by the NYS Department of Education for professionals applying for certificates or licensure, including, but not limited to teaching assistants, classroom teachers, school counselors, school psychologists, school social workers, school administrators or supervisors, and superintendents of schools.
  •  Training is designed to enhance understanding of diversity and multi-cultural environments and examine personal biases.
  • Participants will learn about bullying, cyberbullying, harassment and discrimination, as well as indicators, early warning signs, prevention and reporting procedures.


Understanding Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders

  • A comprehensive overview of Autism designed to provide a foundational knowledge base for teachers, clinicians, support staff and parents
  • Overview of diagnostic categories of autism, etiology and current research will set the stage
  • Topics will include a description and discussion of core characteristics (i.e., social, communication, sensory, behavioral) and how they impact learning and functioning in the classroom academic environment
  • Best practices in providing educational and emotional/behavioral supports to help students succeed within a school environment

The Asperger’s Difference – Supporting Teens and Young Adults with their Diagnosis

  •  A viewing of the critically acclaimed documentary film, The Asperger’s Difference will provide a perspective of Asperger’s as seen through the eyes of young people with the diagnosis
  • Discussion on how to support middle school, high school and college age students
  • How and when to convey information about their diagnosis and help ensure an accurate understanding of their unique strengths, talents and perspectives
  • Specific issues tied to self-esteem, self-disclosure and self-advocacy skills will be explored

Understanding and Supporting Classmates with Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism

  • Viewing of and discussion about The Asperger’s Difference film
  • Activities to increase understanding about Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism
  • Sensitivity exercises and identification of ways to help classmates with AS/HFA feel accepted