Spectrum Blue Facebook Fundraising

Become an Autism Acceptance Ambassador, and Help our Students on the Spectrum! It’s as easy as A, B, and C

A) First, log into your Facebook page, click on "What's on your mind," as if you were creating a post. At the options at the bottom will be an option for "Raise Money," and you'll be given the opportunity to select a nonprofit. A quick search will find Center for Spectrum Services, and select.

B) You may be given the option to choose how much you want to raise, and when your fundraiser should end. We suggest the end of April, which is the end of Autism Acceptance Month.

C) Then, in the text area, explain that it's Autism Acceptance Month, and you're helping promote acceptance and awareness for people with autism, and that you're raising funds for Spectrum Services. Maybe you’re raising funds in honor of your child, or other family member with autism, maybe you've worked with children with autism and doing it for them. Then, your next option is to choose a graphic, and we suggest the Spectrum Services Logo. Then, click “Create” to start your fundraising.

What Next?
Then, share with all your Facebook friends and family on your page, or if you know friends who might be better motivated with a Facebook message, you can send it to them that way, too.

How it Works
Each time a friend makes a donation to your fundraiser, the donation goes to Facebook’s Spectrum Services fundraising account, and then transferred to Spectrum Services, where it is then used to support our life-changing programs for children with autism.

Become an Autism Awareness Ambassador today!