For our Annual School Calendars Click Here!

Use the Calendar below for monthly events, classes, parent groups, and more!

Parent Discussion Group

Online Via Zoom

This group is an “open conversation” for parents to share stories, discuss research, identify community services, and to ask and answer questions from other parents. Most importantly, this is a...

Parent Workshop: Supporting Independence    

Online Via Zoom

Due to unforseen circumstances, this workshop has been cancelled, but will be rescheduled for a later date.   Learn how to empower your child and create independence in daily living...

Parent Discussion Group

Online Via Zoom

This group is an “open conversation” for parents to share stories, discuss research, identify community services, and to ask and answer questions from other parents. Most importantly, this is a...

Introduction to Autism – Afternoon

Online Via Zoom

This workshop is perfect for new parents, extended family members, general education providers, and our community as a whole. We hope that it will help everyone have a greater understanding,...

Introduction to Autism – Evening

Online Via Zoom

This workshop is perfect for new parents, extended family members, general education providers, and our community as a whole. We hope that it will help everyone have a greater understanding,...

Key Components to Understanding Behavior  

It is important for parents to explore key components in understanding their child’s behavior. This workshop is perfect for parents who have a child with ASD, so they can gain...

Parent Workshop: Strategies to Increase Positive Behaviors

Online Via Zoom

Strategies to Increase Positive Behaviors & Decrease Difficult Behaviors  Positive Behavior Management Strategies are the most effective way for parents and teachers to prevent or minimize challenging behaviors. The best...

Understanding the ABCs of Behavioral Support & Intervention

Online Via Zoom

Understanding the ABC’s (Antecedent – Behavior – Consequence) of behavior gives parents a new way to understand why behaviors are happening. Parents will learn the importance of tracking their child’s...

The Sapphire Celebration!

The Chateau 240 Boulevard, Kingston, NY 12401, Kingston, NY

Join us! It's a milestone occasion, and you're invited to the celebration! Join us for an early summer's eve at The Chateau, in Kingston. We'll start with a Meet and Greet...

Themes in Vocabulary for Increased Language 12:30 – 1:15

Online Via Zoom

A great way to increase a child’s vocabulary is to use themes. Themes allow multiple exposure to new words in varied contexts and activities (e.g., book-reading and a related play-based activity). A deep vocabulary requires making connection between words and concepts and tying them all together in meaningful ways. We will discuss activities and ways...

Themes in Vocabulary for Increased Language 1:15 – 2:30pm

Online Via Zoom

A great way to increase a child’s vocabulary is to use themes. Themes allow multiple exposure to new words in varied contexts and activities (e.g., book-reading and a related play-based activity). A deep vocabulary requires making connection between words and concepts and tying them all together in meaningful ways. We will discuss activities and ways...